Institutional Writing
WPI Journal
Marquette University
For heavy-duty jobs EVs can’t handle, Marquette professor develops diesel engines that run on cleaner fuels [September 2024]
Symmetry Magazine
The problem-solver: Cosmic inflation [November 2021]
How COVID made physics more accessible [September 2021]
Decoding Butterfly Flight with High-Speed Cameras and a Wind Tunnel [August 2021]
Building a Future in STEM [Oct 2020]
A 10-Day Dash to Build Robots That Fight COVID-19 [June 2020]
Smart, Green Technology Is Changing the Way India Rides [June 2020]
A Greener Future for Innovation [April 2020]
Unique Lab Creates Accessibility and Mobility Solutions for People with Disabilities [2019]
MathWorks Stories
Princeton Computer Science
Student founders achieve startup success with Princeton launchpad [May 2021]
Students take computing beyond the classroom for social good [March 2021]
The Brink (Prev: BU Research)
How Fitbits, Other Bluetooth Devices Make Us Vulnerable to Tracking [July 2019]
Fast Food Restaurants Have Expanded More Than Their Menus [April 2019]
For more clips from before April 2019, see my extended CV